Jul 17, 2020 | News Article

By Russ Mitchell, Los Angeles Times

“’It is crucial that we remember that every Californian has a role to play as we work to safely recover,’ said Chris Dombrowski, head of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. ‘Our individual actions impact our collective future, which is why wearing a face covering, washing hands, staying home when possible, and adhering to state and local guidance will help slow the spread of COVID-19 and ensure we can once again regrow our economy.'” Click to read the Los Angeles Times article.

About GO-Biz
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) serves as the State of California’s leader for job growth and economic development efforts. GO-Biz offers a range of services to business owners including: attraction, retention and expansion services, site selection, permit streamlining, clearing of regulatory hurdles, small business assistance, international trade development, assistance with state government, and much more. For more information visit the GO-Biz website.

Kaitlin Lewis
Assistant Deputy Director of Communications
Email Kaitlin, HERE 
Phone: (916) 204-2107

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