Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Station Readiness

The “EV Charging Station Permit Streamlining Map” (EVCS Streamlining Map) is a living companion to the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook. Its purpose is to create a shared, understanding of EVCS permit streamlining across the state, and track compliance with California laws AB 1236 (2015) and AB 970 (2021). We hope communities use this tool, and the others linked below, to easily replicate success, leverage lessons learned, and save time as we all work to aggressively build out California’s zero-emission vehicle infrastructure network.

To view the map in full screen, click here.

EV Permit Streamlining

A growing number of California jurisdictions are streamlining their EV charging station permitting processes – see the current tally below! You can learn more about scoring by looking at the Permitting Scorecard. If you have updates to make for your jurisdiction, let us know.

Streamlined Jurisdictions
(Numbers of cities and counties)

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Charging Station Progress

The State of California is striving to enable the deployment of 250,000 shared electric vehicle chargers by 2025. This target includes both public and shared private chargers (typically found in workplaces and multi-unit dwellings). Chargers in single family homes are not included. The map below displays the total number public and shared private electric vehicle chargers across California by county. The map is provided by the California Energy Commission Zero Emission Vehicle and Infrastructure Statistics dashboard. If you would like to dive deeper into California’s electric vehicle charger data, you can click on the map.

If you have chargers to add to the count, please submit them through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) webform.

If you are looking for a charger near you, or if you want to identify chargers for your next road trip, you can utilize the AFDC Station Locator, the PlugShare map, or a variety of other EV charger map applications.