ZEV Permitting Olympics

Streamline Permitting for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations to Accelerate Economic Recovery

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Permitting Olympics: Streamlined Counties

Alameda CountySan Luis Obispo CountyLassen County
Alpine CountySanta Barbara CountySacramento County
San Francisco City and CountySonoma County
Napa County
Tuolumne County
Marin County

Gold (100% of county’s jurisdictions), Silver (75%), Bronze (50%)

Covid-19 postponed the 2020 Summer Olympics, but not California’s efforts to rapidly accelerate the ZEV Market. Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-79-20 on September 23, 2020, setting a target that 100 percent of in-state sales of new passenger vehicles will be zero-emission by 2035, as well as ambitious targets for zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

Getting to 100 percent ZEV sales hinges on rapidly building out plug-in charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure, an effort that will accelerate job growth and our economic recovery.

To help meet the challenge, GO-Biz and our partners created the Permitting Olympics. Our first competition focused on electric vehicle charging stations. In these Olympics, winning means everyone earns a gold medal.

Medals were awarded county by county, based on all the jurisdictions within the county, to clebrate those that streamlined their EV charging station permitting processes per AB 1236 requirements by Earth Day, 2021.

  • Counties with 100% of their region streamlined = Gold
  • Counties with 75% of their region streamlined = Silver
  • Counties with 50% of their region streamlined = Bronze

Tools: Permit Streamlining MapPermit ScorecardBest Practices

The Method: Local “champions” work with their local governments to facilitate the adoption of permit streamlining processes.

Streamlined Jurisdictions
(Numbers of cities and counties)

Streamlined:Streamlining in Progress:Not Streamlined: